Friday, April 17, 2009

28 week update

Hey there! I had my 28 week appt. on Tuesday. Everything looked good...continue to measure right at 28 weeks, even though I feel like I am measuring 40 right now! Seriously, I am not sure I have 12 more weeks of growth in me. (I am know all you mom's out there are chuckling under your breath!). ha!

This appointment was the first time that I met with Dr. Williams. The practice that I go to, Women to Women in Arlington, VA is a practice of 4 women: Dr. Cobbs, Dr. Caskie, Dr. Williams and Dr. Holmes. Dr. Caskie was listed in Washingtonians "Top 100 Doctors", so lots of people know of her, and then my doctor, Dr. Cobbs, is on the board of this really cool group called Birth Mothers at my church, which helps single mom's gain skills and help to raise their babies, instead of opting for abortion. She is also a Christian, which I love. The other two women are Dr. Holmes and Dr. Williams. Starting this past Tuesday, I begin alternating which doctor I see each time I am in the office. I am gauranteed that one of the doctors in the practice will deliver me, if Dr. Cobbs is not on call. That gives me great comfort, bc I know that all the docs opperate under the same medicine and same "practices"....i.e. they feel the same way about c-sections, epsiotomies, epidurals, natural birth, induction, etc. etc

Stats from this appointment:

-Gained another pound and a half
-blood pressure looked good
-measured 28 weeks
-not sure what the heartbeat was, but after listening to the doppler for about a minute, she said everything sounded good
-was told that they would induce at 41 weeks, if I did not go into Labor naturally, they will not let me go past 42 weeks.
-they will also perform procedures around 39 weeks (stripping membranes, etc.) to help Labor along
-Took my glucose tolerance test (worst drink EVER) and passed, no Gestational Diabetes!
-No Anemia either, so I don't have to take iron pills, whew!

Dr. Williams asked me to get another Level 2 sonogram, which I will do on April 27th. She just wanted to check the fluids in the uterus and make sure baby is growing and developing as she should. I am always happy to get another sonogram! Then I will have my 30 week appt. on the 28th of April.

Moving right along. :) Stayed tuned for pics of Meredith Copley in a strapless bridesmaid dress at 30 weeks pregnant, should be some of my favorite pics ever (yeah right!). But wouldn't miss the chance to stand there with Kimberly Wilder as she becomes Mrs. Rob Henneberg. Can't wait!!

I am getting my hair highlighted today after work, I swear getting my hair done puts me in the best mood. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

KatieG said...

I'm with ya girlie, hair can make any day brighter! And if you do have to get your membranes stripped we'll talk. My doc did that to me.....ouch! It didn't feel good but it worked like a charm. Sent me into labor that night!