Friday, February 27, 2009

21 Week Appointment

I had my 21 week appointment yesterday, and it was the quickest ever!
-Took my weight: gained one pound
-Urine sample was normal
-Heart rate was normal
-Dr. Cobbs came in the room and listened to Mary Harper on the doppler, heart rate was 155 and she was definitely moving around in there.
-Dr. Cobbs also measured my tummy, and I am measuring about 20 weeks, so I guess a week behind schedule, but she said that was just fine and I would probably catch up later into the 3rd trimester.
-Dr. Cobbs said that my blood screen that I had to do at my last appointment all came back normal and the results from my level II sono which were faxed to her all looked great! So that was REALLY good. So thankful everything looks good right now!
-We chatted a little bit about my "birth plan" and I explained to her that I would really love to try to have a natural birth, but completely reserved the right to change my mind and get an epidural if the pain got too intolerable. She said that was a great way to go into it, and mentioned that if my labor went quickly it was very possible that I would be able to do it without medication, but she said, many times first time moms have longer labors and the pain just becomes too much! She ended with saying "I just can't describe to you how painful labor is." ha! Like the honesy! And I know she is right :) I also, so open to a c-section if that is what needs to be done and my doctor advises it. I just have the thought that I would like to see how far I can go without the epi....and Dr. Cobbs said that as long as the baby isn't coming out!!! She can give me one:) So I feel really good about that.
-Finally I asked Dr. Cobbs if there would be another sonogram and she said probably not, unless I was measuring large at around 36 week and they needed to get a look at how the baby was doing. She said they used to give them right and left, but got in trouble by the insurance (ugh! I hate insurance!) and now they can really only do the level 1 and level 2 sonos. The only exceptions are the large at 36 weeks or if something happens. Whit has already told me that I am not allowed to fake a fall! ha! The funny thing is, at our last appt. I was 18 weeks, and that is when the doc told us it was a girl. The first technician told us the baby wasn't in the right position, so she couldn't tell what the sex is. But when the head doctor came in to do all his tests, screen and look at everything on the baby's body, he asked us "do you want to know what you are having'" and we of course said yes! And he said "you are having a little girl". ANYWAYS, my crazy, anxious, pregnant mind is sitting here thinking what if he really couldn't tell that well and in reality its really a boy. And how hillarious would it be (well, not at first when I have all this pink monogrammed stuff with "Mary Harper" on it) if come delivery we have a precious baby boy! Whit just laughs at me and says "Mere, its a girl", but I am like: well we won't have any more sonograms to confirm!!! So, seriously pray for me that I won't be tempted to fake a fall, just to get another look at that precious baby in a sonogram :)

1 comment:

Jay and Kristen said...

Congrats! I love the name yall picked out!