Friday, January 30, 2009

17 week Appointment

So I had my 17 week appointment yesterday and I was really hoping they would do a sonogram, alas, no such luck! But, they were able to find baby's heart beat almost immediately on the doppler and it sounded very strong with good fetal movement. So that puts my mind at ease!

I did however lose another 3 pounds since my last appointment! Last time I had actually lost 6 pounds, so I have lost 9 total since my first weigh in at 6 weeks. I have had nausea and have been congested so eating doesn't sounds all that fun at times! I was a little worried, but Dr. Cobbs assured me that she isn't worried and that people really don't start showing/gaining weight with their first until about 20 weeks along.

I asked her about taking a babymoon to the Bahamas or Mexico and she gave me the green light as long as I followed the usual food/water safety rules while traveling abroad. If anyone has been to fun places in Mexico/Carribean/Bahamas, let me know! We are trying to do it on the cheap, but it is always good to have peoples recommendations.

ALSO, Dr. Cobbs helped me move my 2nd trimister screening up with the specialist to TUESDAY, so if baby is in the right position, we will be able to determine the sex. Can NOT wait!!

We so appreciate all of your prayers and support for this little one. We are so thankful!


KatieG said...

I can't wait to find out what the baby is! You are going to tell right??? I think it's a boy. I don't know why. But what's it's heart rate been running? I swear by the high rate = Girl and lower rate = Boy.

Meredith Copley said...

Thanks, Katie! for some reason my grandmother thinks its a boy too :) Lets see the heart rate was really high at my 11 week appt. like 160 something....but they have only been doing the doppler since then and haven't read me the we shall see!! xox

KatieG said...

Oooh ok. Well 11 week rate means nothing. They all run high that early. Mine was around 175 at 12 weeks. I bet it's slowed down. But who knows. They always doppler me and I always ask what the rate is while they are doing it. Mine is running around 134/140 now. Just fyi :) But how fun if you have a girl! Girls trip one day!