Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Where my Ladies at!

L to R: Nicole, Annie, Amanda (Bergie), Leigh, Alaina, Elizabeth, Anne, Staats (aka Sarah), me, Brenda, Caroline, Darcy and Tori.
This was back in August, but still a great pic of the gals. L to R: Alaina, Caroline, Natalie, Staats, Amanda, Brenda, Annie, Me and Tori and little Ainsley!

Just a shout out to my LH girls! My very best friends from high school, all in a row! Whit and I were home in Dallas over Christmas and he got to spend some (much overdue) but great time with some of my best friends from high school, so fun!


Annie said...

GO LH! We miss you Mere, thanks for the shoutout!

Lizzy Z said...

ummm...am i not one of you favorite LH girlz? i didnt make the picture. :)